
How can I learn gymnastics at home?

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I know how to do the Hand/headstands on the wall, and summersaults.... But i want to learn how to do good backbends and kart-wheels.

When I try to do the backbends I get freaked out falling backwards.. any help??? and I dont have equiptment, and IM NOT BUYING ANY. so dont say Buy some, or deff dont say "its not safe, go to a gym"...i wanna learn at home!!





  1. Here's a tip on how to get over your fear of a back bend.

    Get by a wall and walk your hands down it into a bridge until you're hands are on the floor. There, you did it! Walk your hands back up and stand up. Do this as much as you can to build up strength, and when you're ready try it without the wall. A spotter can help too.

  2. I know, it is scary to fall into your backbend the first couple need to have a spotter the first time just to make sure you don't land on your head.  It can be, dad anyone that will just kind of place their forearm on the curve of your back once you bend back.....make sense???  I do this with my son.  Also, rock back and forth when your in your bridge,it will make your shoulders more flexible and make it easier for you to reach the floor....good luck and make sure you have someone to catch your fall!!  :)

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