
How can I learn hindi?

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My hindi is family makes me tell stories in hindi soo they can laugh at my horrible hindi grammar... I don't mind making them laugh..but sadly, they're laughing at me not with me lolz

Well anyway, I really wanna learn hindi..since it's the national language of India. I used to have hindi as a 2nd language in India when I was little...always use to fail it badly!! I'm still bad..I know a few swear words thanks to movies and friends lolz

Can I fluently learn it in a month? I'm sick of reading subtitles for hindi movies!! :( ..Where can I learn it? I live in Canada and all the indian kids in school know hindi..except for meee




  1. Hi

    If you wish to learn Hindi, please  adhere to the following

    1.Visit various Hindi websites

    2.Listen to Hindi music/songs. Sing a line,record and compare the pronunciation with original song.

    3.Read a translation into Hindi from English or Tamil  

    or any other language you know. Do a translation

    4.Read a book  in Hindi with lots of dialogue.  

    5. Ask your colleagues,professors,teachers,friends, parents, vendors,child, elders,(who are good at it) to converse in Hindi in college,school,colony and at  work place etc..

    6.  Watch a Hindi movie with English subtitles and listen to the subtitles.  

    7.Read the article,newspaper  in Hindi  with no assistance. Even websites have Hindi newspaper articles.

    8.Keep a vocabulary  list/dictionary/antonyms/synonyms . Daily learn 10 new words. Gradually improve ,spellings, grammar,construction of sentence, pronunciation

    9. Online chat in Hindi.

    10. short essay.

    11. Play word building,quiz,scrabble,ANTRAAKSHINI(Famous in India, sing two lines of  a song starting with M,when you finish, the  opponent starts another song with last letter of the first song where you left.  continue this process.  Who cannot start singing say in 3 minutes time,is the loser. You can do this for words in Hindi or any speciflc field  related words  as well i.e sports, cooking and health topics  etc.

    12. Learn fill in the blanks to complete a story written in Hindi.

    13. Watch TV for Hindi news

    14. Look for Hindi speaking people in club,market place, play ground and theatre.

    15. Look for people with common interest

    16.  Focus on daily usage words,  action,adjective,nouns,pronouns, sport, science, culture, heritage, history,geography,economics,bank,trade, cooking, dance, forest, religion, computer/gadgets,instruments, airport,train,sea,harbour related words, vegetable,fruits, furniture,relations,environment, science,arts,stage, drama,commerce,religion,medicine, engineering,vehicles, and general items etc. some of the items without which we cannot live/exist,  water, air, atmosphere,food,sleep, work,  cloth,

    17. learn short stories poems,jokes,

    Learning is a process which never ends in life.   Focus on LISTEN,OBSERVE,SPEAK,UNDERSTAND,WRITE, MEMORISE,PRONOUNCE,PASS ON........FEEDBACK, RECTIFY

    If you need any possible assistance in learning SWEET HINDI language,please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

    All the best.


    91 9840643690

    I teach  on line spoken Hindi.  I was brought up in Bihar.  My mother tongue  is Tamil. I am settled in Chennai.


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