
How can I learn how to play guitar solo's

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Ive been playing for almost 3 years now and Id say I have the skill to play a good metal/rock solo, but i dont really know where to start when it comes to learning how to improvise a solo.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.





  1. have a look at ive used it a few times myself

  2. I agree with the guy above, use

    it has more tabs than any other website, and try buying Guitar Pro then download the Guitar Pro tabs for free from ultimate-guitar. On Guitar Pro tabs, every instrument is tabbed out, and they all play back to you on a RSE (Realistic Sound Engine), you can also read the notes if you don't like reading tabs. This is better than normal tablature because you can slow the song down and play the solo to it, or even speed it up to test your skills. If you don't want to pay for Guitar Pro, there is a less good one, called Power Tab. But i highly recommend Guitar Pro. Hope i helped

  3. well...i can't really give you much verbal help on improvisation, but i tell you what. listen to this band called 'muse'. go to, which has a lot of their live stuff available for download. the guitarist/pianist/lead singer improvises a lot of his solos when playing live (sticking to the original structure of the studio recording), which might give you some ideas. that's what my mate did when he had to improvise for a live song, cos we both love muse! lol hope that helps

  4. Start by using this site  and learn some guitar solos from bands you like.

    That will help you get used to solos and give you the confidence.

    The next is picking a key eg g# - then go onto

    and learn the groups of notes that fit into the key range.

    Once you have got that identified, start playing about on your guitar - you will hear if something doesnt sound right. learn to improvise - play along to some of your favorite songs and half way through create a melody that accompanies the tune.  

    It just takes practice. Good luck and hope this helps!

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