
How can I learn more about financial literacy?

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I would like some links on financial literacy, I want to learn more on investing, and maybe a way so that when i get in colledge how to pay for dorms,or a appartment.Answers to questions like, how doi get a car at 16?how do i save up money when i get a job, and what to invest in?

Basicly how to be successful.





  1. I've found several books that have helped me secure what I've already experienced in the investing world:  Smart Money's Stock Picker's Bible and How to Invest in REITs.  If I were you, I would not touch any periodicals about what the market is going through right now.  You don't need to know what is happening, you need to know why it is happening.  Your local library allows you to get your hands on books such as these for no cost--and, they give you a deadline to finish reading your book before you loose interest.  This might sound crazy, but FIND SOMETHING YOU ENJOY TEACHING TO SOMEONE ELSE.  You demonstrate your understanding of your topic when you can explain it adequately to someone else

    Experience has taught me most of the rest of what I know about investing.  Understanding comes in the doing sometimes, my friend.

  2. Start learning more about finances here:

    And at 16 you don't need a car. Get that out of your mind. That will be a financial drain on you so early in life.

  3. "Personal Finance For Dummies" is a great starter book.  Easy to read and written with humor.  You can find it in most bookstores.

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