
How can I learn to be more ASSERTIVE?

by Guest58006  |  earlier

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Some times people say things that bother me or make me angry but I don't say anything... When I get home or later that day I think about many things that I could've said to that person. But how come I couldn't think of it when the situation was happening?

How can I be more assertive... without being rude?





  1. From now on you have  to listen to the person who is telling you some thing. Give a thought to what that person has told you. Whether you liked that comments or whatever. You have to openly tell your opinion or reply in a very soft way, directly or indirectly. Make sure that you open your mouth and say some answers in so many words. You have to tell your opinion openly, no matter what the other guy out there will think about it. But this should be diplomatically done. If you hesitated to do this way, you will be taken for granted by others that you are an 'Yes' master and they can tell you any thing and you will be obedient to every body. Others will take advantage of your this weakness.

  2. You are letting the rude issue effect you. Be assertive. Say what you need to say. This may come out right or rude, or condescending, or mean, and you will learn. Take the first step. Nobody always gets it right and they rarely did when they first started. In school you are given a lesson and then tested. In life you are given a test and hopefully learn a lesson.

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