
How can I learn to blow a bubble with gum?

by Guest59470  |  earlier

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My friends tell me how, but I just can't!




  1. Haha, i guess this is a lucky question for me, because I'm chewing gum right now!


    1. Get your gum nice and soft

    2. Use your tounge to flatten it out

    3. Stick the flattened (but not too flat) piece of gum right behind your teeth without letting it fold or get too small or thick.

    4. Open your mouth a little bit, and make the gum secure behind your teeth.

    5. Stick your tounge through the middle of the gum, but don't make any holes in the gum.

    6. Move your tounge away.

    7. Blow softly!



  3. I'm chewing gum right now. How lucky.

    1. Roll the gum with your tongue into a ballish shape. It's okay it it isn't a perfect sphere.

    2. Flatten the ball by pressing it between your tongue and the roof of your mouth. For best results position the ball of gum in the center of your tongue.

    3. Flip the gum pancake so that it is angled against the backs of your upper and lower front teeth.

    4. Using the teeth to hold the gum pancake gently in place, begin to poke your tongue in the center of the gum. If you feel the gum beginning to curve or the pancake isn't large enough, stretch it a little by pressing your tongue to it.

    5. Do not make a hole with the tip of your tongue, simply stretch the gum so that it would form a carnival tent if you were to take it out of your mouth. In other words, your tongue should make a deninite indent in the center of the gum but does not make a hole.

    6. Holding the circumference of the gum pancake gently behind your upper and lower front teeth, roll your tongue a little and let air flow from your cheeks, down your tongue, and into the indent the tip of your tongue made.

    7. As the bubble grows firmer and larger, you can position the gum closer to your lips, holding it less with your teeth and more with your mouth. Continue to blow, slow at first, and eventually more aggressively.

    8. You will learn to recognize when a bubble has reached its full capacity of air- the gum will become to think and stretched the air leaks by your lips and the bubble becomes an empty, wrinkled sack. If you would prefer to skip this stage, instead, suck the bubble gum's air back into your mouth and open your lips a bit and take the deflated gum back in.

    9. Repeat and develop a chewing technique, and you can learn some tricks like snapping your bubbles and blowing two bubbles at the same time.

    Good luck with your bubble blowing. I hope this helped. Usually watching other people and just playing around with gum in your mouth helps you learn. Different people blow bubbles in different ways, so as corny as it sounds, good luck discovered your blowing techniques and talents!

  4. Soften the bubblegum the usual way by chewing it. Then, force your tongue right through the middle of it. You should be able to do this without poking a hole in it. Gradually push the tongue deeper into the bubblegum. Then, use your teeth to hold the outer edges of the pocket you just made in place while you start to blow air into it. As you blow air into it, transfer the sides of the bubblegum to the inside of your lips and blow a little more. You will have a nice bubblegum bubble.

    Good luck.

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