
How can I learn to control my A.D.H.D without taking medication.

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I am willing to try anything. I can't focus on anything without taking my meds, but I want to be able to build up my mental stamina, any ideas would be extremy apprciated




  1. Not wanting the cost of seeing doctors, I decided to look for natural remedies that are cheaper. I was diagnosed ADHD as a kid but never took drugs for it because my parents thought that wasn't best, so instead I was homeschooled for a few years and I had lots of problems in school too with focus.

    I've found that an herb called Guarana helps me a *lot* - it's an herbal stimulant. It contains a large amount of caffeine (guaranine but chemically the same...) as well has several other stimulant chemicals.

    You hear about Guarana in energy drinks and the like being dangerous. The reality is that it's similar to any non-herbal stimulant like amphetamine (Adderall) or such... but not as strong.

    I would *NOT* combine it with your meds, I'd try it instead as you seem to want to do. Combining it with your meds is a bad idea as both are stimulants. Also, I am not a medical doctor - I'm only speaking from my experience. ALWAYS consult a doctor first!!!!!!! Before taking ANYTHING!!!  

  2. Many people have found real benefit from eating a healthy, chemical free diet. Cut out sugar, corn syrup, artificial flavors, colors and preservatives. Basically, stop buying anything that comes prepackaged.  There is definitely an environmental contributing factor to some neurological problems so start eliminating things you ingest that might be causing you problems. If you find this improves your focus at all, continue to look into the benefits of diet and try eliminating other items that might be affecting you, such as gluten, or dairy.

    Next, you could look into a neurological developmental program such as Handle ( or De Jong ( These programs help to stimulate the development or decrease the stimulation of different parts of your nervous system.

    Hope this helps

  3. Try these pages

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