
How can I learn to enjoy life and not wonder when things will be finished?

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Here's the thing. Life's gotten to be pretty fast-paced with school, work and the social life.

Lately, I've found myself looking forward to lots of fun things. My problem is that I spend more time worrying about how soon it's going to be over that I don't end up enjoying myself. It's been worrying me for awhile.

For example, I'll go to a sleepover. I'll look forward to it all week. But when it gets there, all I can think of is that it's going to be over just like that. So I end up waiting for things like that to finish rather than enjoy them, if that makes sense.

It's gotten to the point that everything---class, work, hanging out with friends...consists of me constantly looking at the clock to see when we'll be finished. I hate this, but it's the only way I can stay on top of things. What can I do to make it so I worry less and just enjoy life more? This is senior year, and instead of living it to the fullest, I'm scared that it'll fly by without my even noticing.

Any thoughts?




  1. Try to stay more spontaneous. If you have nothing planned in the future then you have nothing to finish for. Sounds like by living so structured you only look forward. Why not enjoy your experiences and remember them. Some of the best conversations with my friends have been ones where we are re-living a past experience that we all enjoyed. Stop and smell the roses once in a while.

  2. .... make hay while the sun shines.

      have nice time till it lasts, stop worrying about

    what may happen afterwards, you will be wasting the opportunity given to you for pleasures and enjoyment.

  3. The trick is to just calm yourself down and keep in mind that there is going to be a tomorrow where something else is going to happen.  

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