
How can I learn to have more rhythm? I can move to music a little but I just have trouble keeping rhythm.?

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How can I learn to have more rhythm? I can move to music a little but I just have trouble keeping rhythm.?




  1. It's not something you can learn.  It's something you have to feel.  Just relax and go with the flow.  Nobody's judging you.  And furthermore, nobody's watching you.  (They're too busy worrying about themselves ;-)

  2. learn a musical instrument. Drums are great. Get a patient teacher and don't give up. Try a drum group.

  3. Put on piece of music with a simple, obvious beat and clap along to it. Once you've picked up the beat, try creating your own rhythms that fit. If you want to go further then try a waltz or polka.

    You could also try to create rhythms using your hands, feet, mouth - anything. Try listening to percussion groups or even rappers like eminem. Some rap songs have some really complicated rhythms in. Beatboxing is a good methid as well.

    Another great way to learn about rhythm is tap dancing. It's great how many sounds your feet can make.

    Hope that helps. x

  4. listen closely to drum beats. if you follow those you'll be spot on with rhythm.

    practice makes perfect.

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