
How can I learn to locate the usa states on a map?

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I have a test tomorow on them& I never remember learning them in 3rd grade. I really want to do good on the test because it's an honors class. And please don't say honors should already know the map. I do but I just kind of have trouble. I studied them a bit last year, I'm a freshmen now. But How do I study them? Any tips?




  1. Try this site.

    It has blank maps, lists and other stuff to help you learn the states.

  2. Yeah. Turn off your ipod, stop text messaging your friends, open up the book to the page with the map and start memorizing.

    Trust me on this one, turning off the ipod is important.

  3. Here's some tips to figure out states...

    Northeast USA

    Vermont is on the northeast. It's shaped like a V.


    Right next to Vermont (on the right) is New Hampshire. It's shaped sort of like a flipped 'h' or an 'n'.

    n/h New Hampshire.

    The smallest freckle/space you can spot on the map is Rhode Island. It's on the northeast as well, below Vermont and New Hampshire. The other mini thing that is to the left of RI that "connects" to Rhode island is called "Connecticut."

    Maine is the on the top of the USA and is shaped like a head (at least I look at it that way). YOUR head is on top too and is the main part of your body, so remember Maine=head.

    You see a state with a tail? Well, think Massachussetts, or Boston, Massachussetts, famous for its "tail"gate parties.


    Wisconsin (yea!) is shaped like a left hand.

    Michigan, WI's counterpart, is also a left hand, but it's surrounded by water, so that's the difference.

    I'm sure you recognize the major states, like California, Alaska, Hawaii, Texas, and Florida. I've linked to a map so you can study!

    Hope this helps and good luck in the exam!

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