
How can I learn to perform muscle testing?

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I've seen it done and work with my homeopath that if there are 2 remedies that are similar, he does a muscle test to see which one works better for me (and it actually works because one remedy gave me surprising strength that I didn't have before holding onto the remedy). He taught me how to do that particular technique, but are there more and how can I learn about them?




  1. blue

  2. Ultimate Healing System by Donald Lepore

    Excellent resource for muscle testing, it talks about different points on the body to test endocrine glands and vitamin/mineral testing. It's very inexpensive and a wealth of information.

  3. Without negating the (albeit unrelated) efficacy of muscle testing, it's important to understand that it has absolutely nothing to do with classical homeopathy. I am unable to offer information in terms of training for muscle testing (although you might search ("kinesiology"), only needed to set the record straight that it is unrelated to homeopathy. You might be receiving homeopathic remedies, but you are not being homeopathically treated (which has more to do with long-term case management and understanding the meaning of symptom shifts long-term). At some point - as with self-help care - you'll hit a healing wall. This has been my personal experience (pre-homeopathy), as well as several of my clients.

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