
How can I learn to relax?

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Since about the age of 15 I have been mostly alone w/out friends. Sometimes I have trouble just relaxing. I am insane I pretty much plan out everything in my life, not on paper but in my own mind before I do it. I have tons of problems communicating with other people. Outside of personal problems I am great at my job, makes tons of money, have been working on a bachelors in my free time, have investments, own a home and I just recently became old enough to drink. Its just that sometimes I just so stuck inside my own mind thinking and analyizing every little thing that happans or that I do or that my friends do. Wether they are conscious or unconscious actions I try and read them and figure things out. Sometimes I feel like a robot that is just analyzing data instead of being able to just hang out. I remember when I was younger I was the same way but other kids were so dumb I could fake it to a certian degree.




  1. Self care is very important. Especially when you are so sucessful at such a young age, why wouldn't you not stress out and think too much? Everyone got their issues to deal with and worry about but that's not all in a life. Why not just try to enjoy life without thinking about anything, use a miracle question technique, if one day you have a magic wand to make one wish, what would you wish for?

    Think about your strengths, u r over analyzing so you must be good at making observations. Why not use that as a communication tool towards your friends by asking question on what you see in them? Or let them do the talking first and then slowly build into a conversation that doesn't need analysis. They are your friends, not data or tasks you need to do.

    Go to a new area or new place to meet new friends. With your ability maybe you can even go travel to another country, observe their culture, who knows u might have some culture shock. If you are interested, go do some clean online chat, you will find so many different but interesting people but of course safety is the key issue.

    Listen to calming music can definitely help you relax, the sound of ocean waves is perfect. Go for a swim or do sports that you love. Just chill out and don't stress.

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