
How can I learn to sew?

by  |  earlier

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I want to sew clothes because my city is kinda smallish and they dont have the type of selection i would like. How can i learn to sew clothes? How long will it take? Is chiffon hard to work with? thanks ppl :)




  1. How long it will take depends on your ability to learn.  Best not to do chiffon until you're real comfortable with other fabrics.

    The link below may be of help to you.

    Good luck!

  2. Check out a JoAnn Fabric store - they have classes in our area.

  3. yes chiffon is hard(and expensive)to work with as a beginner,

    youre gonna need some cheap fabric to practice with, maybe some old bedsheets will work, needles if youre gonna sew by hand, thread, and patience it will take a while if youre a slow learner or just dont have the time.


  4. No you cannot.  People who sew have the "sew" gene and it comes naturally.  They were never taught anything about sewing or operating a sewing machine.  No need for silly user manuals.

  5. read some books

  6. Almost every area has a sewing class in the school system. Talk with the instructor about private lessons.

  7. Check with your local fabric store. They often have beginner sewing classes. If they don't have a class - they may know of someone in your community that teaches.

    You may also want to check with your local community college - they usually offer classes as well.

    Good Luck.

  8. The morning shows with the arts and crafts, magazines and books.

         When I became handi-capped I was a carpenter and thought, material is nothing more then, like wood. You take a design and make something of it.

           I've taken part in aiding my spouse with making over 50 quilts. She sews regularly.

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