I'm 22. I wasn't a great student until my later years in high school because I didn't like school until I found AP classes which I actually liked. After high school I work for 3 years and lived on my own until I finally figured out what I wanted to do for a career. I wasn't accepted to college as a full time student because of my bad high school grades, so I had to spend 3 semesters as a part time student to get enough credits to become a full time student, which I will be in the upcoming fall semester.
My home town was a c**p hole where alot of my high school classmates ended up being "townies", having kids, and staying in that c**p hole. However, I keep running in to people I went to high school with who just graduated from college, and most of these people were ones I didn't like in high school and thought of them as idiots.
It makes me feel like a failure to see these idiots I went to school with being more successful than me. I have alot of plans and goals, it just took me a long time to figure them out.
Anyone having any advice on how to stop comparing my success to other people, and stop feel inadequate?