
How can I learn to talk to people better?

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I'm kind of shy and I want to learn how to talk to people better. I don't know why it is so hard for me to think of things to say to people I don't know, because I am really talkative around my friends. I have to go to band camp for 8 hours everyday this week, and my friends aren't going to be there. How can I talk to people? It is really hard now that I'm in high school, because everyone already has their friends, so why would they talk to me. I need help.....




  1. just say anything that pops into your head lol. thats what i do. just b like i had pizza 4 dinner last night what did you have or my dogs name is bear. do u have a dog? lol. pretty much just anything that u think about say outloud. and dont think about anything b4 u say it cuz u might decide not to say it so just talk about any random thing.

  2. After two weeks at band camp, I'm pretty sure you'll make new friends. You guys are gonna have to work together and stuff. Just feel open to make new friends. There's no need to be shy; take it from someone who was painfully shy. People are willing to be friends with you if you're willing to give opinions, laugh with them, or say whatever's on your mind.

  3. I am the same way. What I do, is I join clubs, and get involved in things that interested me. That way I have something to talk about with people. Just try to make small talk, it's likely that someone else will be more comfortable and keep the conversation going. Good luck, and have fun!



            please hear their conversation  completely and and freely expose your suggestion on the topic,then submit your answer finally,then admit their comments politely,finally find out your mistake and correct the same which develope your ability to move with public and develope your  personality  

  5. omg your EXACTLY like me!! I'm so shy but when I'm with friends I'm like a hole different person!

    i don't know if this will be much help, but my mom says that if some one asks you "how was your weekend?",  don't just say "good"  explain - "it was really fun, i went shopping with my friends got a few things, then i went to diner at my grandparents house. how was yours?" and stuff, walk up to people and say "hi my names ___ can i eat lunch with you?" or "wanna practice together?" there's always  to be someone else there that's alone ask them if they would like to hang with your or something. and intorduce your self to some people, you might make a new friend:)

    hope this helps, have fun!

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