
How can I learn to type quickly without looking on the keyboard?

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How can I learn to type quickly without looking on the keyboard?




  1. Try a free touch typing program like this one

    Changed the link as this one is for windows.

  2. I agree with Lizzy...learn the basics and then just practice like crazy.  In my typing class (back in the day with typewriters), they actually covered all the letters on the typewriter with fingernail polish to prevent you from "cheating" by looking at the keyboard.  Believe it or not, that really works.  So buy yourself a really cheap keyboard, cover up all the letters and then use it when praciticing.  you'll be amazed how fast you learn touch typing and not looking at keyboard.

  3. Try and get an old typing book.  Back in the dark ages, we use to use typing books with drills in them.  I think they are the best at learning how to type without looking.  I also learned the adding machine by opening a phone book and just keying the numbers as fast as I can.  If you know your home keys, and the basics of finger placement, It's just a matter of practice.  I type 80 wpm., I'm even faster with numbers.  PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.  Good luck!  

  4. mavis beacon have a lot of great programs

  5. I learned 'touch-typing' in high school.

    You could use a typing program to learn to do it.

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