
How can I learn to use magic like Harry Potter and students at Hogwarts?

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How can I learn to use magic like Harry Potter and students at Hogwarts?




  1. First lose all touch with reality.

    Then, become a fictional character.

    Then, run around with a broomstick between your legs, yelling: "I'm Harry Potter! I'm flying!"

    Then, enjoy all the nice drugs they'll give you at the mental hospital.

  2. get a life  

  3. If you haven't received your invitation by an owl than you must be a muggle.  No magic for you.

  4. All that Harry Potter stuff is fake, real magic is much different.  Harry Potter books are pretty good though.

  5. study the books

    read them over and over until you feel like you are the master.

    then watch the movies.

    worked for me!

    good luck =)

  6. If you're just joking:

    Sorry, unless you've demonstrated any magical ability up to now, I don't think Hogwarts is going to invite you!  Incidentally, I used to believe that the magic used in Harry Potter was real when I was 7 to 8 years old.

    If you're serious:

    PLEASE don't turn to some obscure Wiccan cult, or satanic religion!  It's all rubbish and rather disturbing, and you'll be rejected by everyone you know.  You'll end up being really disappointed and will probably become depressed and die.  Although many people have claimed to be able to demonstrate miraculous feats, none of these are genuine and none have been able to be proven under test conditions, even Uri Geller.  If you're really desperate to do magic, teach yourself some magic tricks.  If you become good at it, it can be a great hobby, and you will always be impressing yourself and others, while knowing fully that it's still all trickery.

    Good luck :-)


    Harry Potter nerd and founder of

  7. You need to get a life, then grow up.  

  8. Can you say "IT'S FICTION"?   Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and monsters under your bed/in your closet, too?

    Do you have a difficulty between reality and make believe?

    Grow up!

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