
How can I let my parents know that I don't want to do karate anymore?

by Guest45335  |  earlier

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My parents seriously make me do an activity that I hate doing and don't want to do - karate. I made my black belt, and after that, I'm done. After I made black belt, my dad said I didn't have to do it. But whenever he says I don't have to do it anymore, he'll come back like a week later and lay this 'Well, I want you stay another year so you can learn better fighting' bullshit on me. It's so ******* annoying, and that kind of stuff has happened 4 times now, and whenever I tell him that I hate it and don't want to do it, he always gets mad at me and freaks out. And my mom is just as bad. They both say that they're only keeping me in it because I'm very good at it (I've won numerous state championships, getting 1st or 2nd place in every event), but I really hate it. I only do it because I really don't have a choice. And I really want this to stop, because I'm going to karate almost 5 times a week, and it's cutting into my time that I get to spend in my social life like with my friends, etc. I just really need them to get the point that I hate karate, and sick of them making me do stuff that I do not even want to do. Even one of my Senseis at karate school thinks that I shouldn't have to do it, even though I'm one of his best students. He tells me that I have the choice, but at home, my parents don't let me have the choice. But like I said, whenever I try to tell my parents that I don't like karate and that they can't make me go if I don't want to, they always flip out at me and cause all this stupid drama just because they're controlling what I can and can't do.




  1. It sounds like your parents are attempting to live out their dreams vicariously through you.

    My advice is that you try to calmly explain to your parents once again why you want to stop taking karate, and this time, take the time to make a list of all your objections, as well as the pattern of behaviour you've noticed within your parents!

    If this doesn't work, you may have to do what I did when my mother was pushing me to become a medical transcriptionist and I just wanted to major in creative writing (I'm currently working on my teaching certificate). Skip out on class! If your parents drop you off and pick you up, then once your parents drop you off, head off somewhere else until it's about time for them to get back. If they're the type that stick around, feign an illness or a minor injury! Do it often enough, and they'll get the hint! But ONLY use this as a last resort!  

  2. Use your karate black belt skills on them. Tell them that you are sick of practicing the same thing 5 times every week.

  3. explain to your teacher that u really dont want to do it no offense to them  thank her/him but explin to them that you will not be preticapating in class anymore  when taken to turnaments and other things DONT WIN try to keep out of the match entirly if u can no one can MAKE you do anything

  4. Oh My Gosh. Are You Serious. My Mama Made Me Take Kung Fu.

    I Hated That Class Soo Much!

    But This Is About You. I Think You Should Just Let Them Know. That You Hate It And What Not. Tell Them That You Do Have A Life That You Would LOVE To Enjoy If They Didnt Make You Go To Karate.

  5. is there another sport u do like? tell them u can do that instead

    if not, just suddenly get really bad at karate, "accidentally" injure everyone u fight with, lose every competition, throw tantrums in the middle of class

    be so obnoxious ur teacher kicks u out of class, or better yet, just pretend to do but dont  

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