
How can I live anti-green?

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I hate the fact that people live green, it's mostly costly, too liberal, and just too hippy for me. So how can I live anti-green and show how lovely it is to not worry about the environment I mean the environment is very important, but so many people think that we control it and such and I think some people are filled with c**p?




  1. I am about as conservative as they come but you have to take care of where you live.  That should be obvious to anyone!

  2. hate to answer a question with a question, but: how can i live anti-you?

  3. Buy a Hummer. Drive it everywhere, even to the next door neighbor's, and leave it running when you go into stores for something quick. Buy a new one every year.

    Take 2 30-minute showers a day, leave the water running while you brush your teeth, water your lawn every day.

    Leave lights on even when you're not in the room, don't turn the heat/AC down at night or when you leave the house for extended periods. Leave your electronics on all the time, stand with your refrigerator door wide open a lot, and use your dryer's top heat level and full cycle as often as possible, no matter how small the load.

    Eat as much red meat (too bad you're Jewish - pork is the best, because of the pollution caused by the lagoons of ****) and high fructose corn syrup as possible. Get salad dressings and cosmetics with lots of palm oil. Buy fruits and vegetables out of season, shipped from as far away as possible. Fast food is good, too.

    Buy cheap c**p from Walmart that has to be replaced every two weeks. Preferably made from rainforest wood, non-recyclable plastic, or similar. Buy stuff in as much packaging as possible.

    Treat your house and yard with as many pesticides and chemical fertilizers as possible. Dump toxic chemicals down your drain, or better yet, on your lawn, to dispose of used/extra.

    Never recycle. Litter.

    Never use birth control.

    Hope that helps! I'm sure I'm missing stuff. If you follow this regime, please let me know how long you continue to consider green living more costly, especially once the hospital bills start coming in...

  4. Has nobody taught you Jewish ethics?

    Your behavior continues to appall.

    DO consider a name change, it's not fair to those of us who do try to 'do Jewish' and not just 'talk Jewish'.

    You actually have a problem with living, to the best of one's abilities, in a manner that shows respect and gratitude for that which was created for us?

    How....bitter. Strange, and bitter.

  5. Apparently we missed the day of hebrew school that taught that one of the main tenants of Judaism is to leave the world a better place than you found it...

  6. It's easy just go on living a typical American lifestyle. We are the most polluting nation as well as the most wasteful. Buy into all the media hype that you have to have the newest, biggest, best widget and spend all your money driving a huge SUV everywhere. Buy the largest home you can afford, crank the a/c down to a frosty 65 and leave everylight on and enjoy your thousand dollar electric bill. Plant the largest lawn you can, over fertilize it over water it and mow it daily with a gas mower. Fill your home with every disposable product you can think of and fill several garbage cans each weak with wasted food and plastics.

    And we'll all hope you go broke and become homeless.

  7. I get more passive agressive.  I do things because it is the right thing, not the green thing.  I've always drove smaller cars, but I'll drive fast and far if I want.  I heat and cool my house the way I want.  If people are over for a Christmas party, the fire place is burning and the AC will be on for it.  The next day, I may just have the widows open.

    If someone wants me to buy green power and it costs to much, just say no, tell them to come back when the price is right.

  8. Well, green is measured in hydrocarbon emissions.  Anything you do to release hydrocarbons is considered to be not green.  So let your engine idle all the time. Be wastefu and run your furnace full time hot or cold.  Might want to open a window or two.  Heck, run an air conditioner and a heater.  

    Heck, buy a whole fleet of houses and cars and do this!

    Don't sort your garbage.  Just put it all in one spot,

    But why not head for green? What is the big deal?

    Have you ever breathed heavy smog?   You must have some great lungs if you don't care!

    I hear people say you should buy a small vehicle.  I wonder about that though.   My larger vehicle only gets 17 mpg in town or on the highway.  Many smaller vehicles don't do that well in town!  And how many extra trips does a smaller vehicle have to make?  And how many miles is it good for?   I find, just not being so wasteful about unnecessary trips saves money and gas.

    But I think we should care about the environment.

    Life does not always seem FAIR!

    Hi!  I am a Forgive Affirmed Spirit and this is what I profess and try to act like.

    Forgive Affirmed Spirit is the belief in a way of life that is a method of grief resolution and functional communication processing involving active listenning, sympathy, empathy and affirmation of shock, denial, anger, guilt, depression, loneliness and hope...a kind of ego-equilibrium seeking methodology.

    A Greater Works of communication and action, a way to learn to love your enemies "Advocating mortal life, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you AS IF YOU WERE THEM!"  

    And nobody is perfect!  NOBODY!  We are all judgeable, hopefully in a graceful discerning way!   We are all doing our best every moment!

    Humans judge everything  as we are a part of it.  Without difference, we have nothing to live for, nothing to witness.  Sin is difference, the relative seriousness with regards to law and survival of other beings, is punishable by the courts. The best way to judge is with as much graceful discernment as one can muster in a given moment!

    Life is the question(uncertainty) asked by the exhaling infinitely compacted imagination invention, or no thing, which is completely certain of everything, completely omniscient or all knowing.

    When I die, I believe I will be in a new state, aware of all that is and yet divided into the nature of dust that I am in, whereupon my dust shall fall.  My being will remain an infinite part of an infinite being and infinite knowledge without my material human being status of now. So there will be a change.

    But my soul, my passions and discompassions, will move on to infinite places of comfort and challenge.  Able to return to this state of uncertainty and free choice illusion for another ride when it is called effectively to do so.

    So that the children of God, the creations of God, .. are actually part in parcel of that God or Creation Energy!

    This  life is a roller coaster ride. Enjoy your passion within it and whatever gathering of two or more in Forgive Affirmed Spirit to make it better can garner.

    Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine in

    Forgive Affirmed Spirit

  9. You must be the type that s***s where he eats. When the ice caps melt you'll have more room to drive your Yukon Denali.

  10. Buy a huge truck, drive it proudly.

    Burn all the oil you can, it makes you look rich...

  11. You and me alike bro, what I do is flush the toilet twice when I use it, always get paper bags, buy a truck, and punch liberal hippies in the face when they tell you about this whole "global warming" c**p.......we have had a global warming period before, it always ends after at least 5 - 10 years

  12. Yes, you make the good sense. To me, Green People live to please the God they think and to show other people hey! looks what I did!

  13. I agree with you that living green is costly and that a lot of people are full of c**p about environmental issues.  They just are going with the trend or they are being "feared" into it.  Businesses are feasting on this trend.  

    However, I do believe that people should recycle and keep communities clean as possible.  But force me to pay a carbon tax?  Get real.

  14. Just act like a typical greedy, arrogant, and selfish right-wing extremist.  Oh, you're already doing that, aren't you?  Never mind.

    So you say we can't destroy the environment?  Just what do you think a nuclear war would do?  Don't underestimate the stupidity or insanity of the human race.  It would take much less than that to do serious damage.  The loss of just one species, such as bees, could have far-reaching consequences.  With no bees to pollinate them, vast numbers of plants would die out, then the animals that eat those plants would die.  Don't forget that no matter how arrogant some of us may be, we're still part of that food chain.


    Vicinic illustrated the fallacy in the whole anti-green stance much better than I could have.  He's perfectly willing to spend lots of money, probably more than he would going green, as long as it doesn't benefit anyone but himself.  It's not about money, it's just vindictive.

  15. this is a stupid thing

  16. "I hate the fact that people live green" nothing to worry about lol thats only 10% of the US population who is trying and not just talking about living green .

    "Thinking that we have the power over the environment and we can destroy it is arrogant." and my personal opinion is that mankind is arrogant.

    You want to live anti-green..then father hundreds of children who then create more children who then take up all the resources. So That the market  demands more than that we can produce. So WE "Mankind" exploit and rape the earth of all its resources... till we die.

  17. You asked this question before, and you got your answer - marry a high-maintenance blonde. Your whole life plan was laid out for you. Why ask again? You know half the answers are going to be about how people hate you. With good reason. I don't hate you (i think). But you annoy me. Really. Pretend that nothing is happening, nothing is wrong. You'll be long dead by the time our lucky descendants get to live in our world. But... even if there is no global warming, bad stuff is happening to Earth. When  oil gets spilled on the surface of the ocean, do the whales die because they were just too old, not because of the oil at all? The smog in cities must be just weird-colored fog. Freakish weather patterns? The meteorologist must just be imagining it. Weather girls - not too bright, are they? This must be what you tell yourself in the morning. As you drive to work in your 5-mile-per-gallon SUV. You and the weather girl. Not too bright, are you?

    P.S. - Come up with a witty comeback for this - I know you will. Ain't excuses great, kids?

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