
How can I live inexpensively in Paris for one month this summer?

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I'm a 25-year old woman from BC, Canada, majoring in fine arts and fashion arts. I speak French fluently. I'd like to spend a month in Paris this summer just to soak up the city. Where are the best places to stay? Thanks. :-)




  1. Assuming that you're not already a frequent visitor and will still want to be close to the museums and other cultural sites in Paris then you should stay in the center in the 4th, 5th or 6th arrondissements.

    While the suggestion of taking on an au pair position is certainly valid I wonder if you really want to take a job which usually entails having only one day a week off and which is little different than being a maid.

    As to finding a roomate or other cost cutting suggestions, again, these are not illegitimate ideas but do you really want to be burdened by the need to deal with a situation fraught with the possiblity of problems and even dangers for the sake of saving what will be, in the final analysis, not all that much money.

    It seems to me that its a better idea to look for a month long apartment rental from one of the many agencies/ web sites that do this sort of thing. While the total price will not be much of an improvement over an inexpensive hotel, if that, the fact that you will have your own cooking facilities will dramatically cut your costs.

    Take a look at the places offered at these websites as examples:

    There are dozens more such websites and these are suggested only as examples of prices. As you can see this isn't cheap but not entirely outrageous and, again, your overall costs will be greatly reduced by being able to take most of your meals in your own apartment.

    Nor, by the way, should the prospect of making your own food be seen as detracting from the overall Paris experience. Paris is a wonderful place to go food shopping. Establishing yourself in a neighbor, meeting the people at the local shops and street markets, and even wandering the aisles of the local "super marchée" will give you more of an understanding of how Parisians live than most tourists will ever get.

  2. im a broke student and i was there last summer...honestly its really expensive there. i would recommend you shop in bulk ata grocery store for snacks and drinks that way you wont spend 3 bux on a small coke always carry things to munch on in your bag cause food is the most expensive part. cause you can not shop but you HAVE to eat and as far as staying somewhere check online i stayed i na kinda pricey hotel but i felt really safe and comfortable so i dont regret it at all...just becareful what area you stay in casue at night it could get a little dangerous in some places. and for transportation buy a metro pass super cheap and super hand they have packages there at the stations. have fun, be safe and spend wise!

  3. Could you be a child minder for the month?

  4. This is a must for any English-speakers in Paris or interested in going there for an extended stay:

    To a lesser degree, this is also good:

    Have a great time by the way. You undoubtedly will.

  5. there are many student people in paris who leave their appartment on summer vacation (july-august) and wd like to find someone helping to pay the rent. so you cd find one of them... unfortunatly it's not very easy to find.

    if you speak french fluently, you can try in the forum of ( )

    or try any website you can find on with the words "sous-location" (sublease) and "paris" or "juillet"...

    if you need anything more, just contact me.

  6. Just say you're german and eventually someone will surrender their house.

  7. do a search for roomshares on craigslist, and, then you can find a cheap room to rent somewhere.

    another great resource is where you can find lots of temporary places to live (maybe a diff one every week is best) and stay in different areas.

  8. A really good way would be to sign up for a host program, so you'll go over there and stay with a family for a month, and in the future they may come and stay with you in Canada

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