
How can I live life without fear?

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I was watching Apocalypto, which by the way was a great movie, so I was just wondering what are good strategies in countering fear?




  1. I try to live without fear, but it's hard because it's built into human nature.

    We make all of our decisions based on fear. But what I try to do is always face a fear, NEVER run away or avoid it. I also try to think why I'm afraid of it and find more reasons why not to be afraid. Then I try to expose myself to fear enough for me to get comfortable with it.

    It took me a long time but I can say I'm relatively fear free except I still have this crazy irrational fear of porcelain dolls that I simply cannot get rid of. =/  

  2. This is a spiritual/philosophical question. The answer can be found by following your chosen philosophy/spirituality/religion.

    If you want to say what you follow you may.

    I find that Yoga speaks truly for me. In yoga, fear can be linked to all negative emotions. Anger is a protective mechanism when you become afraid or insecure. Jealousy is a form of anger which is fear. Sadness is fear of losing, not being able to attain what you want. The list goes on.

    How to conquer fear? There's no way to completely conquer fear unless you reach the end. In western religions like Christianity you conquer fear by doing good in life and go beyond to the afterlife; in Buddhism you attain Nirvana, in yoga you attain liberation; in atheism you live the best you can until death and so forth.

    Other than that I would say loving and accepting yourself for who you are at all times even during the hard times - that would be countering fear.

  3. just black it out and do your best to ignore it that is what i do

  4. live life with passion

  5. whatever you fear, tell youself it will not kill you!

  6. I have the opposite problem. I don't think I've ever been really scared. Even 20 years in the army, jumping out of planes and being shot at on occasion, I don't think I ever experienced the text book definition of scared.

    I know apprehension and caution very well but I've always wondered what it would be like to feel scared. I've seen a lot of people that way though.

  7. "Know  thyself" and remember "there is nothing to fear but fear itself"

    Fear can be a friend...It may warn you of something but to be frozen to inaction by fear? Don't be too careful, you will miss a lot in life if you were.  

  8. as long as u try to drive out the fear in u... it won't will come in some other form in some other ocassion.

    if u accept heartfully the fear in u.... then it will go away

    fear relates to internal

    so if u die internally in the fear within u... then u can become accept heartfully the fear in u

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