
How can I live more wastefully?

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Right now I don't recycle I leave all of my lights, tv radio, and computer on 24 hours a day.




  1. Hmmm there are a LOT of things you can do to live more wastefully! ALL listed in other answers to your question..  Things _I_ personally will NOT do!

    reduce reuse and RECYCLE!!

    Save the planet and it's resources or mankind will CEASE to exist!!

    Vincent Reagan


      G O C H A R G ER S !

  2. why live light up

  3. Well, you gotta get yourself a hummer that runs on baby seal guts and pure crude oil, then leave it running in the garage and lock yourself inside :)

    Just be sure to leave a note to your kids to be read maybe 10-15 years from now thats says "I helped do this to your planet"

  4. Give Al Gore your money so he can fly around in his private jet.  Well if your going to be wasteful anyway you could give me your money too.

  5. Sarcasm I take it. Point taken. How to be more wastefull train military for more wars. The Military has a big impact on envirionment. Yes you are right everyone using computers this long said to harm planet. May be ignorent when it comes to animals but conisider people animals to be  equally important . Figure if Genocide against both equally important humans will appreciate all life including human more.

  6. Run for congress as a Republican.

  7. I don't believe you can live anymore wastefully. If you have to pay any bills I hope you have a good job, because what you see in the mail will be ridiculous.

  8. Drive a H1 pulling a tractor full of fat female cows eating bean burritos from taco bell with the window rolled down and  air on.

    And since some of the echo freaks are telling you to kill yourself....I would make it a point to smash them in there powder blue prius.. pick there beanie baby car out of your grill, set fire to the tires, and then dump the remainder of there vehicle into the furthest wildlife habitat you can find stopping at every taco bell on the way and picking up more cow food.

  9. Reproduce. More of your ilk running around means more wasteful morons in the world.

    Now if you could just find someone dumb enough to be your mate.

    Try Britney, she can pop out babies!

  10. I got a BIG Ford truck with a V10 engine.  Around town I get under 10mpg! ! !

  11. leave your car running in the garage with you in it.

  12. That is easy. Any lazy idiot can do that. Just take no though or trouble about anything and there you have it!

  13. Your question is utterly fatuous. You are a total wanker

  14. Wear disposable clothes.  Adjust your toilet so it runs constantly.  Do the same with all of your faucets.  Turn on the heat/ac while opening all of your doors and windows.  Buy additional bottles of chemical cleansing products to add to each trash bag (make sure they're open so they leak).  Pick up cheap furniture at the Salvation Army, or other such location, and take it straight to the dump.  Use disposable dishes...wash them before you throw them away.  Bag leaves and dispose of them in the dumpster (they don't have to be your leaves...grab your neighbors' or a truckload from the woods somewhere).  Buy Christmas trees year-round.  Throw them away each week.

    Use your imagination...the possibilities are endless.

  15. YOUR CAR: go to drive-thru windows, never walk in, rev the engine while you wait. keep your vehicle in just good enough shape to run but run S****y. spill a little gasoline every time you fuel up. reduce the air pressure in your tires. that will lower your gas mileage. drive at least 15 mph over the posted speed limit. accelerate hard at stop signs and red lights.

    HOME: 15 minute showers only use about 23 gallons of water. it takes about 55 gallons to fill the tub. so first, soak in a nice hot bath, but remember to rinse off afterwards with a nice long shower. use only those real heavy duty trash bags, and only fill them half way. don't separate the trash. wash all of your clothes twice. dry one piece at a time. dump old paint, cleaners, solvents etc. down the nearest storm drain. leave christmas lights, on all year.

    WORK: on cold nights, leave your car running all night, so your ride in is comfortable. ditto for a.c. in summer. tell co-workers that you will collect their hazardous materials for recycling. dump it all down the same storm drain. never carpool. leave your house a little early, so you can drive the long scenic route, but speed. use lunch hour to drive (the scenic route again) home, and make sure your heat or a.c. is on at home so you'll be comfortable when you get home. never use white-out, just throw mistakes away.

    RECREATION: start wildfires. punture aerosol cans.

  16. Live like Al Gore!

    Jet set like an IPCC or NGO Member to exotic tropical locations for useless conferences in luxury hotels!

  17. Remember, New is Better: Do your car seats look worn? get a new car!

      Leaky toilet? Remodel the bathroom.

      Squeaky floors? Tear the house down and rebuid it.

    In your new house, make sure to get a big lawn, so you can tell people

       you went Green!

       Get solid wood hardwood flooring and solid cherry cabinets. They look

       great and have a great feel. Halogen lights everywhere - you gotta see, right?

       Big TV in every room, so everyone in the family can watch their own

       shows at the same time, and you won't have fights over who

       gets control of the remote. Get rid of the flow restrictors

       in all the showers and sinks so that you'll be sure you are getting

       really clean.

    In general, try to spend your dollars on things that depreciate faster,

      like electronics. That way, you'll get more chances to

      buy the latest cool stuff and be the envy of your thrifty neighbors.

      When you buy new stuff be sure to get the newest model and get it as

      soon as it becomes available. It'll cost a little more but

      that's the way to keep on top.


    If you don't smoke, start now. Eat out more often. Exercise less.

       You'll feel proud that you're helping support the health care, insurance,

       and medical supplies industries.


    Always purchase things with credit card and pay only the minimum balance.

       That gives you much more financial flexibility and you have to write

       fewer checks every month.

    Get on all the free catalog mailing lists you can. Your mailman

       will thank you for the extra exercise he's getting bringing the boxes

       to your front door.

    When you're done flipping through the catalogs, burn them in the fireplace.


    When you drive the the supermarket (don't walk, it's too dangerous being

        a pedestrian with all the Hum-vee's around) - only get enough items so

    that you can still use the express aisle. It takes more trips, but

    at least you don't have to wait in long lines!

    When you do buy food for home-cooked meals, buy pre-packaged foods

    and frozen dinners. It's the easiest way to get a blanced meal and

    you don't have to worry about cleaning messy chickens or rinsing

    dirty vegetables. If you get the kind that come in their own tray,

    you'll have fewer dishes to wash.

    Around the house, paper towels are great for nearly every kind of mess

      or spill. Strong cleaning chemicals get stuff clean faster. Then use some

      air fresheners to get rid of the chemical smell.

    Wow, I could go on there are so many things. Just remember a few mottos:

        - New is better. More is better.

    - Avoid emergencies: Buy it now in case you might need it later.

    - Impulse buying is more fun.

    - Don't waste time planning ahead, things change anyway and you need

          to stay flexible!

  18. Open your own meat factory. Slaughtering cows is one of the most wasteful and harmful activities in our society today.

  19. Turn up your heat in the winter and turn your air conditioner on nonstop in the summer.

  20. Become President of the U.S.

  21. No, no, no.  You really want to hit the peak on being the opposite of conservation?  Get one of those big huge industrial blenders they show on the food channel... ramp that up to high... dump a big bottle of Bourbon and a bag of sugar into that... then stick your head in.

    When the CSI unit comes in six days later you'll have burned off a few useless kilowatt days.

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