
How can I look after my sick cockatiel while I'm waiting to get her to the vet?

by  |  earlier

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My female cockatiel is not well, she is sleeping on the bottom of her cage most of the day and not eating much, she also has slightly runny droppings. I noticed her regurgitating a few days ago too. I have her booked into the vet tomorrow but would like some advice on how to look after her in the meantime. Please help.




  1. could you pleaselet me know whet happend to the cockateil/ Has it survived ? what did the vet say?

  2. Make sure she is in a warm, draft free environment, keep everything quiet around her.  Birds can be very sick before they show any symptoms so you want to make sure to keep her in a stress free environment till the vet appointment tomorrow.  Put her water dish on the floor of the cage near her so she doesn't have to travel far.  Other than that there isn't too much you can do until you see your vet and get a diagnosis.  It would also be a good idea to bring a fresh stool sample with you to the vet appointment.  You can easily collect even runny stool with a plastic sandwich bag.  The vet may want to check for parasites, bacterial infection etc.  Hope she feels better soon !!

  3. To be honest with you...birds that are on the bottom of the cage need emergency care.  More than likely they will not make it though the need to take be bird to an emergency vet.  They are not like dogs and cats...a cold or a cut or just about anything can kill them in hours.  I've had tons of birds and can tell you from experience...go to the vet right now.  Try to keep her warm.  I'm sorry to say this but it's happened to me several times and learned how quickly these birds can pass away.

  4. This website has helped me to care for my sick bird.

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