
How can I look less frumpy?

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I read some things my boyfriend had written about me to some of his friends via IM when we first started dating.. A lot of them hurt my feelings including him saying that I was clingy, liked to guilt trip, that he wished he had a hot girlfriend because I was frumpy, and that he didn't see me lasting long or us going anywhere. I am really hurt by this. I couldn't even look him in the face after reading this. When he could tell I was off and asked what was wrong, I had to tell him as much as I didn't want to. In his defense, he DID write those things less than a month after we started dating. The only thing that is still bugging me is the frumpy thing. It just hurts my feelings so much. Even know thinking about it makes me cry.. My boyfriend has been recently telling me how beautiful I am, and when I told him everything that I had read, he started to cry (which I have never seen him do), and said that he doesn't feel that way anymore and that everything he wrote was written a long time ago and then he proceeded to tell me that he loved me (for the first time). I just can't get his frumpy comment out of my head. I know I'm not hot, but I've never thought I was frumpy.. How can I make myself less frumpy? I feel so horrible about myself now, and am developing a huge complex. This whole frumpy thing has made me so sad and depressed..




  1. hmm. it is very tough to say without a picture, but I'll try to help.

    Try dressing nicer - look at fashion magazines. If money is a problem, look on ebay, they usually have pretty good deals if you look hard enough.

    Stand up straight; improving your posture is an instant makeover.

    Wear more makeup. Not a TON of makeup but something to bring out your eyes and maybe a little lip gloss; see a makeup specialist if you feel you have to.

    Get a haircut that frames your face.

    That's about everything I can think of.

    Hope I helped. Good luck!

  2. Make some basic swaps to go from frumpy to comfy-chic:

    Trade in flip flops for sandals (

    Trade sweats for comfortable jeans

    Trade oversized tees for fitted ones and cute tops

    Trade baggy sweatshirts for cardigans

    Trade long sleeve, non-fitted tees for long sleeve sweaters (cable knits are my favorite)

    Trade baseball hats for headscarves (on bad hair days... we all have them!)

    Trade tennis shoes for ballet flats

    Those little tweaks will make a big difference.

    I hope this helps!

  3. Ummm, what are you thinking? You need to get over this little boy. Any "boyfriend" who says those things about you doesn't deserve you. Don't ever change for someone else. Only do what makes you happy.  

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