
How can I look like...well, a girl?

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I am a girl, and yes, I was born a girl (not a transvestite or drag queen!), but I got the WORST haircut yesterday. How can I look like a girl? Because right now my hair is basically shorter than guy hair. I'm going shopping today, and I plan on only buying dresses and skirts, but what else can I do? It probably doesn't help that I have a near-flat chest.

What colors are feminine, and how should I do my makeup? I never wore makeup before, because my hair always showed I was a girl. But now, if you look at my face, you can't really tell my gender.




  1. Do your eyes nicely and gloss your lips-- were bracelets and neckaces and pretty earings the ones that dangle!!  

  2. Lol, my mom got a pixie haircut when she was younger. Her mum forced it on her xD

    My advice is not to put on too much makeup or jewelry, because then you'll really look like a drag queen. Most people can tell your not transvestite, because of body shape, body curves, etc.

    Put on some purple eyeshadow, pink blush, pink lip gloss, and just wear denim skirts, frilly tops, and remember, your hair will grow back =]

    And for your neck: Wear some necklaces, a choker necklace, a long peace sign necklace. Arch your back and your neck shouldn't lean like that =D

  3. eyeliner,necklace,bracelet- anything to prove the validity of ur gender! gl

  4. aww hun, im sure u look like a girl( dont worry, when i was smaller like7 i got my haircut liek a boy, and i was SO MAD!!! But eventually it grew out!!!!!) just try wearing some mascara, eyeliner,blush, lipgloss, & stuff like that!!!! remember, ther are tons of ladies out ther with short cut hair!!!

    good luck & hope i helped!!!


  5. go buy an artificial hair or extension like bony tail or so

    they r not expensive at all

  6. you don't have to just by dresses and skirts.

    jeans are very cute, and shirts from stores like

    forever21 or h&m (idk if you have stores like that in your mall), but

    you probably have something similair.

    &i'd wear eyeliner and use eyelash curlers with mascara.

    too much makeup is unatractive and i wouldn't put bright pink

    or bright purple eyeshadow or anything, just because the color is 'feminine'

  7. rofl, pretend you are a guy and see who buys it.

  8. You can always look up make-up tutorials on Youtube.

    You can type in things like, "Smokey Eye Tutorial'' and hundreds

    of videos showing you how to make a smokey eye pop up!

    So, you can try posting something like "Feminine Make-up Tutorial" or "Girly Make-up Tutorial" or whatever you like. :)

    Also try wearing fruity strawberry perfume or something

    very feminine smelling.

    You don't have to go about changing your entire look

    like buying skirts and dresses, just change little things

    that give off a huge effect.

    Also try looking into buying clip-in hair extensions! They

    are so manageable and let's face it, a hobo could probably

    afford them. You can buy them at Claire's or ask at

    the hair salon so they can give you recommendations of where

    to find them. Ask your mom to help you find places in your area where they sell some thick clip-in extensions. The price

    varies depending on how real they look and feel, and how

    well the over all quality is. They look great, and will really help you until your hair grows back. You can have fun with all

    the different colors and textures; you'll have the best hair

    at your school! There's no shame in wearing them at all.

    Don't let your hair cut bring you down, because

    there are always great alternatives to every bad problem.

    Until then, I really wish you the greatest of luck and

    have fun. :))))

    Oh yeah, also make sure to curl your lashes with

    any eyelash curler, and buy Covergirl Lash Blast, not

    water-proof. THAT is DEFINATELY the best your

    eyelashes can get! I love this mascara and long,

    curvy eyelashes REALLY make your eyes

    and face sooo different!! There are many ways

    to curl your lashes, but this is what I mean: here are

    some of my favorite short Youtube tutorials for eyelash curling (remember, the bigger the

    lashes, the more girly; and mascara makes them look

    even longer. Longer= prettier.)



    3. And my favorite,

  9. for makeup try this site

    for clothes wear hoop earrings, necklaces, maybe a hairband

    and soft colors like pink, peach, white and floral designs.

    Don't worry every thing will be alright.

  10. You could wear jewellery, like long necklaces and earrings or something..

    Wear pink? Don't wear baggy clothes..

    Heeled shoes? Not running shoes that look like they could be for men.

    Lip gloss.. paint your nails..

    Could you put hairclips/headbands in your hair?

    Or style it to look girly?

    Have your eyebrows shaped and well groomed or something..

  11. It really doesn't matter how you look. A lot of people has haircuts like yours, but people can tell your gender by your face. Your face always tells it all. Putting on makeup might hide your face and people will really think you're not a girl or a boy.

  12. okay, girls are allowed to have short hair! on some people, it looks fantastic! it really depends on the shape of your face.


    you just have to accept it, and have confidence in it. try wearing scarves around your neck, because it will draw attention to that area, and they always go good with short hair.

    cute dresses and natural makeup will look great.

  13. makeup and really girly clothes.and also jewelry :).


    1.curl your eyelashes

    2.put mascara on

    3.put eyeliner on

    4.put some blush to make your cheeks stand out

    5.put on lip gloss

    mostly that's don't put on too much eyeliner or mascara or blush cuz then its gonna seem like your trying too hard....and u don't want that.... short hair looks really nice so don't even trip.....curling your eyelashes makes your eyes look cute and stand out so make sure u do that...

    see the reason of why you would curl your eyelashes...tell me doesn't it make your eyes stand out???? --->




    ♥ chuky!!!!

  15. Youh should of posted a pic, of youh or your hairstyle.

    Buh, use black eyeliner, and pink lipgloss ... :D :D Also, maybe some hoops (earings).

    Hope I helped, && don't worry I bet it's not that really bad, many people get their hair short. Good luck @ school, :D :D

  16. aww.. im sorry you have that problem..

    buy mini skirts and laeropostale tops.. like baby blue pink light green. do your make-up light and use pinkish blush brown and glittery eye shadow. lots and lots of lip gloss he he.. and maybe straten your hair to make it look longer.. if not make it girly.. like watch americans next top model and look at the girl who have short but girly hair.. then get ideas on how to do your hair like that..

    hope i helped!!!

    Good Luck

  17. certainly do more makeup, but not so much that it looks drag, do tasteful makeup on your eyes that complement your eyes (purple/blue/green/grey go well with just about any eye color) and go nude on the lips

  18. HEADBANDS!  

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