
How can I look up a person living in a different state? Please help!

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Alright, so last year a really good friend of mine bought me a psp for christmas ( <333 ) . But she transfered after christmas because some of the kids were picking on her (She was from Conneticut) So a month later, she was gone, and someone BROKE! the psp. =( They knocked it onto the floor, and the screen PHAILED! It was cracked and nothing would show through. So I called her, because someone told me there might be a warranty. She thought there was, so she told me to mail it to her, and I did. But it turns out there was no warranty. So, she has it, and its been almost a year, and her number has changed.

I don't mind not having the psp, its just that she doesn't know that someone else broke it! So she thinks I did it. She's probably really pissed at me =( I would be if someone broke it. thats like 200bucks down the drain. The thing is, I didnt know someone ELSE had broken it until I realized what happened, because I didn't look at the psp until 4hours later.

So, I really want to look her up just to be able to tell her that it wasn't me. I feel like its killing the friendship because I feel really guilty about it. =\ A few friends of mine told me that if they were me, they'd tell her what happened. But she doesnt have MySpace, facebook, or anything like that.

And I tried looking her up on Zaba, but I don't know her mom's name. I only know that she lives in westport. =\ And theres 183 people there than have the same last name. T.T

So if anyone could help, that'd be great!

And also, tell me what you think of the situation =\ I cried when I saw that it was broken. That was the nicest gift anyone ever bought for me, and its sad because I know who broke it, and she was a copycat. Like 3weeks after I got MY psp, she begged her parents to buy her one. And then she wanted to get in my face one day like "Well then why do I have a psp and you dont? " I wanted to be like "CUZ ***** YOU BROKE IT! " But I stayed calm and just said "Because, its broken," and walked away from her.

So its a very long story. Please help lol. =( Give opinion?






  1. That is really tough. I&#039;m so sorry. Try finding phone book white pages on the web. Try finding your friend&#039;s email address with a search. You might even be able to track her down with school records. It&#039;s worth a try. I hope you are successful.

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