
How can I loose weight without forcing myself to vomit?

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please help me here......




  1. eat healthy and don't eat a lot of junk food. control the size of your portions. exercise for at least an hour a day, and not exercise like walking, exercise to the point that you're sweating. but don't push yourself so much that you get hurt. good luck.

  2. Never force yourself to vomit! That is the start of bulimia and very unhealthy. Your body will want to store more fat. Try just walking an extra mile a day. Walks are relaxing and you wont even realize your exercising! Also, try to cut junk food out. Opt for smarter choices like salads and lean meats like grilled chicken and fish. Just because you diet doesn't mean you have to be hungry. Celery is very healthy and is chocked with vitamins. It is 90% water and is filling so you wont be tempted to eat junk foods. Also, the digestion of celery actually burns!! 10x more calories than what you took in from it! Try those tips. But please never vomit or skip meals - it just isn't healthy!

    Hopefully I could help!


  3. Put down the fork.

  4. make healthy food choices and is not a magic formula. forcing yourself to vomit is not the answer as it will only bring about health issues and cause the enamel to erode off your teeth from the stomach acid. what is the point then??

  5. You can excersize and eat healthy foods but please don''t force yourself to vomit.

  6. Exericise, either with walking, riding a bike, eat healthly, stay away from soft drinks, eat fresh fruit and veggies, stay away from salty foods and fast food. Fast foods contain high amounts of soduim which is bad for the body to digest.

    Drink at least 4 8oz glass's of water per day, and other fluids, reduced milk, look at labels when you shop, to see the fat content in the foods. Trans fat at 0 is best. If you get a craving for sugar, eat a apple or oranges something natural, and not refined sugar. Never eat past 9 pm, as when a person eats later in the evening, it tends to take the food consumed and turn it into strach, which turns into fat.

    But most importantly exercise at least 30 minutes a day, not only will it help in aiding you to lose weight, but it makes you feel better too. Best of luck to you.

  7. vomiting will erode the enamel on your teeth and you will have to live with those the rest of your life, do it the right way, eat several small nutritious meals a day and exercise intensely, it is probably harder to do than vomiting but you will thank yourself later, don't take the easy road, challenge yourself  

  8. Running is the best way to loose weight. I know it sucks but thats how my husband lost 40lbs in like 4weeks. I've done weight watchers a long with walking a mile a day.

  9. Drink lots of water.


    Eat less (but don't skip meals. That doesn't help)

    Eat healthy ;)

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