
How can I lose 15 pounds in 2 months?

by  |  earlier

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I am 5'5 and 120 lbs. right now but I have chubby thighs and I am self conscious of my arm fat and stomach pooch... I want to lose about 15 pounds fast because if i dont see results, then i give up :( ... what should i do?




  1. one good way to lose weight is eating 5 small healthy snakes threw out the day likes apples, yogurts,  eat half a salad then the rest like in a hour or two the key is to keep your body's metabolism burning calories all day  so your body starts eating away at fat and if you do any fiscal exercise after the first 15 minutes  of jogging your body is losing weight not water weight but fat feel free to have a smaller but regular dinner

  2. 2months ok.....3500 calories is 1 pound so just eat a little below ur calorie intake per day until u reach ur satisfied weight...but dont starve urself >.<...answer mine plz everyone;...

  3. You can start by eating 500 calories less every day. You lose about a pound every week by doing that. Counting calories isn't exactly fun, but it is easy to do.

    Do an exercise or physical activity you can enjoy every day. Like biking around, or playing a sport. Losing 15 lbs. in 2 months is definitely possible.

  4. The "...if I dont see results, then I give up" part worries me. Losing the weight is going to be difficult. Keeping it off is going to be the tricky part. You have to be really commited, not just to keep up with society's rising fad, but simply to stay healthy. Weight yoyoing has killed before.

    So anyway, lol, the only surefire you can lose weight that wont come back to you in a week is excercising. Try

    That's where I've been getting my tips and I lost 10 pounds in the last month. Hope it helps and good luck. =)

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