
How can I lose 30-50 pounds in 4 months?

by  |  earlier

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ok so here's the deal ..

if i go on an all liquid diet and exercise a lot during the day ..

like swimming, playing ddr (lol), and using my ab lounge.

could i lose a good amount of weight?

i'm going on vacation in november, and i would LOVE to look/feel better!

i do have a lot to loose, and i'm very dedicated to doing whatever i need too

maybe some suggestions or ideas that would help would be good


oh and please don't lecture me on how unhealthy it is

i really do not care at this point, so if that's what you came here to say ..

don't bother responding please

and also ..

if your just going to send me websites to go to, please don't

just answer if you have something to actually say




  1. Yes if you do what you will lose the weight. No doubt. Thats the answer. Since you already know its unhealthy and you will gain it all back after the vacation plus some, I won't even bother to go into all that... so yes,  drinking liquids only will lose the weight.

    Option? Eat 6 small meals a day of small portions of grilled lean meat, fish or chicken, steamed vegetables, low glycemic fruit like cherries, berries and you will lose about as much, keep the muscle you have and be healthier. I'm assuming yoiu will be excercising your butt off.  

  2. Do NOT go on a liquid diet. It is not necessary. It will also be detrimental if you work out a lot. You body might begin to consume your muscles for energy. From my experience, I played DDR one summer 2 - 4 hours a day and lost 40 lbs during 2 months.

    Eat modestly and constantly. Make sure you obtain a mixture of fat, carbohydrates, and protein. Your muscles will need it. Fill your plate with vegetables and fruit. They are low in calories but filling.

    If you are playing DDR (or any intense cardio) for long amounts of time, periodically eat energy bars. The protein/carbos allow you to continue. After 1 hour of playing, I would become sluggish. After eating a little bar, I could play for another hour - burning more calories.

    Good luck. Definitely play DDR. If you are playing at home, try investing in a Cobalt Flux. I have one. They are great expecially when you begin playing heavy songs. And always push yourself and play fast songs.

  3. High Protein, Lots of exercise

  4. I think it's possible that you could that is like you said if were to go on an all liquid diet and as for the exercise I'd say swimming because that works every muscle in your body and for about an hour would be fine or a nice jog around the block..well, by doing all that you might be losing around 5lbs. a week or maybe even more since your going to be flushing out all that liquid lol

    Hope I helped & good luck with your liquid diet :)

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