
How can I lose weight successfully?

by Guest44811  |  earlier

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I have gained one pound in the past two/one week(s), but I stopped eating much at all! Just breakfast, dinner, and a couple snacks at night. I never was much active, but it was still odd.

Please, what can I do to lose about 10-20 pounds before November? Or a pound or two before September? I heard you can lose 2-3 pounds per week. Does anyone have any exercises they follow on schedule, or specific foods they don't eat?

Thank you in advance!




  1. Cut out breads, pasta and starches.  I lost about 40 pounds in three months without exercising.  Probably would have lost more if I exercised!

    Make sure to keep eating at every meal.  Just alter what you eat (namely, meats, vegetables, fruits and dairy.  Dessert is even okay in moderation, as long as there's no bread/crust in it).  

  2. Four words:  Eat Less, Move More

  3. IDK soundsI mean come on.A 1 Lb weight gain...Sounds like a chick problem.Oh yeah.You are a chick.hehe

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