
How can I lower my speaking voice register?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in theatre and projecting is important. I keep getting yelled at because I need to lower my register so I won't sound like a little girl on stage. They want me to lower my voice (in pitch, not volume) so I can sound older and like a young woman. Have and tips on how to do this (along with possible ways to project at the same time?)




  1. i have no idea, but i would like to do the same thing too. i have a "normal" speaking voice, in terms of pitch, but my singing is very low. i want to even them both out. i have been listening to bea arthur clips--she's amazing--but that hasn't helped. (even though she has a pretty deep voice...) anyways, let me know

  2. One way to lower the speaking voice is to make sure that you are totally relaxed. Stress and speaking quickly can often make the voice rise in pitch.

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