
How can I lower my time for the 100m and 200m?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to run around an 11.4s for a 100m, but I run a 12.5s now for the 100m and for the 200m i run a 25.8s, but i would like to run a 22.8s, i will train as hard as i can to do this, HELP!




  1. Train you endurance, get stronger, get more flexible, and do agilities to increase your fast-twitch muscle fibers so you can move more quickly

  2. Since you gave no background information, you may or may not have done the following:

    1) Get a good, well-informed running coach.

    2) Work on your start out of the may be able to shave a few tenths off your time here.

    3)Weight training for your upper body....notice how the top sprinters have developed upper bodies? You need upper body strength to run the 100 and 200m's.

    4) Train intelligently....since the 100 and 200 are basically anaerobic races, first make sure you have a good endurance base so that you can handle the interval work (and not get injured) needed for these distances.

    5) Use resistance running...ever use a parachute while you train? Try it, it may help.

    Good luck.

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