
How can I maintain bermuda grass in my yards?

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How can I maintain bermuda grass in my yards?




  1. I like Bermuda grass and think it's one of the easiest grasses to maintain because it needs less water than most other grasses.  

    Its one main drawback is the heavy thatch that you have to cut back on a regular basis (make sure the soil underneath is well aerated.  In the early spring apply nitrogen-rich fertilizer and pull weeds out as you see them.

    Keep the grass trimmed low so that the stolens above ground don't get out of hand.

  2. If you have bermudagrass:

    1. Water heavy once a week

    2. Apply fertilizer monthly (Nitrogen)

    3. Get a hold of reel mower instead of a rotary mower.  Set the blades to cut 1/2" to 1" and it'll look sweet.

    4. Dethatch the grass in the fall and rake up.

    5. If your grass goes dormant, folloe dethatching with overseeding with ANNUAL ryegrass for a lush winter lawn.  It will die off naturally when temperatures rise  the following summer- and the bermuda will FLUSH!

    GOod Luck

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