
How can I maintain my weight on a partial raw food diet?

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I have a ridiculously high metabolism.




  1. consult yur doctor or get a nutritionist they should help you

  2. You should probably get some books and just make sure to eat a lot you probabaly will slim down a little though.  Most of the books can tell you some good recipes.  Maybe eat a lot of sashimi since some of the fish is more fatty probably good for you also

  3. I guess you could try to stay close to protein-rich kind of foods, like soy or whatever.

  4. don't know don't care your problem

  5. actually low metabolisms are the big digesters.

    just eat more of the same...  and eat steamed.

    you'll keep that weight on.

  6. Easy.  Include cold pressed olive oil, raw nuts and avocados in your diet.

  7. eat more foods with carbs. but not to much or you might gain weight

  8. A good idea would be to find out how many calories you burn off in a day by without doing anything (you can get this test at a doctor's office or hospital) and then figure out how many extra calories you burn off by doing what you do daily (maybe wear one of those monitor things that you clip on to yourself). After you figure those things out, take to a nutritionalist to figure out how much you need to eat each day.

  9. Go to nutrition and look at all the powders and drinks they have you can supplement with that. Good luck. They have it all there.

    Miss Mary

  10. Be careful what you eat and exercise. Make yourself an exercise routine.

  11. I read that superfoods....chorella,spiralina, alfalfa .   Can help you keep on the weight.

    try Greens Today a Power House Formula. My husband was getting to skinny so now he takes this shake and is doing well. He didn't want to up his starchy carbs like pasta due to the possibilities of causing blood sugar problems.

    good for you....that you are eating raw!!

    PS you have a fast metab...I am jealous!!!LOL

    Will you increase you raw and living(sprouted)feed intake?

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