
How can I maintain staying in my good weight and avoid growing fatter?

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Hi I was just wondering…how can I keep my weight the same for a really long time till I like to go to college….well not EXACTLY the same but I like my shape now (BTW im 14 and im 47 KG) .

so I was asking my mom how should I …maintain my gd weight for a long time cuz im realizing im growing bigger when im a teenager. So she was like, u should try eating half of what I eat so that my tummy or whataver , my body gets used to eating less food and then ill get full faster! I was like , r u sure? And then she said yeah but u can't stand junkfood and partying so ill be eating a lot in my teen yrs so eat as much as u want but do a lot of excersise.

But I like the food plan better. So is anyone here sure that if u eat half of what u eat know ull feel full faster? I just wanna c if anyone is really SURE about it…

Thnx in advance!


so just to make myself clear... im not trying to LOSE weight , but i want to KEEP my weight the same and avoid getting fatter!! is there any term for what im saying?

or if anyone has read an article about not getting fatter and maintaining ur weight then plz plz PLZ tell me about it or post the link :D thnx again




  1. If you're current diet is healthy, you really won't have to worry about gaining weight. If you eat a lot, or even some junk food, then thats what I'd recommend changing in your diet. Especially with the amount of exercise you get , I don't think cutting out half the food you eat is a very good idea. I've learned from experience that this is the best way to maintain weight. I did it, and my weight has stayed constant for about 2 years. By the way, eating slowly, not less, will cause you to fill up on less food (you're brain doesn't know you've eaten anything for about 20 minutes).

  2. weight gain and loss can be simplified into simple addition and subtraction.  Calories in - Calories out = weight gain/loss.  

    You can use this link:( ) in order to find out how many calories you burn a day.  Then just make sure you don't consistently eat more calories than you burn a day.

    (edit: FYI, 3500 calories= 1 lb or .45 Kg)

  3. I don't really think eating less is the answer unless you're like eating tons and tons of food right now. By your weight it doesn't sound like you are though.

    But as a teen you really want to make sure you're getting enough food because you are growing. I;m sure you're not going to get fat.

    If you want to keep your weight you could just exercise regularly, maybe find a sport to get into when you're in high school, that way you can have some fun too. Or you could find out how much calories you actually need in a day for your age. You could probably find something on google for that purpose. Weight is affected by calories in vs. calories out, meaning if you use more than you take in, you lose weight and vice versa. If you use about the same as you take in you'll stay the same.

    A calculator like the one on this page:

    or any other you can find can help you find the right amount of calories for you.

  4. Just do some light exercise every day like walking or jogging and eat 5 small balanced meals a day you should be able to maintain that way

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