
How can I make $400 in one week?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to make $400 in one week on line! I need it fast if possible! I am in desperate need!




  1. $400? thats easy money I got two words for you

    drug dealing

  2. boy did the scam artists hop on this one.

    I'd check out craigslist, people are looking to buy/sell lots of different things.

    I saw an ad for a woman who needed a ride to the airport and would pay cash.  Saw another needing a housesitter, pay cash. Once a lady was hurt in a car accident and needed help around the house - pay cash.

    If you look through it enough (cities nearby too), also look at some items people want to'll find $400 worth of opportunities.

    Good luck.

  3. look in craigslist for part time work that pays cash.

    good luck

  4. This place is great. Seriously, I made about 60$ in 3 days. I really cant believe it. Try it youll love it. I do. Its an easy place that rquires little work. You have got to try it.

  5. get a job

  6. hustle  

  7. EBAY!!!

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