
How can I make a boat anchor?

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I need to make a boat anchor that is suitable for in the ocean to hold my 12ft aluminum boat. Any suggestions?




  1. Buy one.

    Get off answers. girl.

  2. Could try a couple coffee cans full of concrete.  That's what my uncle used to use when he would fish.

  3. One way is to get a coffee can, drill 2 holes in the bottom and put in a thredded rod.

    Fill with concreat and put in a U bolt into the top .

    When it drys the can will hold the boat

  4. WHY ARE YOU TAKING A 12 FT ALUMINUM BOAT OUT IN THE OCEAN, i hope your talking about somewhere like a bay or somethin, but even there, 12 ft aluminum boats and oceans don't mix, i'm sorry dude, but get a different boat, or don't leave dock.

  5. Matt, first of all, I do not recommend that you take a 12  foot boat  out to sea. It is just too small a boat. If the wind starts blowing any more than 5 mph you will find it very dangerous. You will not need an anchor, you will need your life jackets.

    In a no current situation, almost anything will keep a boat this small in position. A half cinder block will work, as will a gallon jug filled with concrete with a bolt in it.  When the current comes up, and with wind increases, you will not want to be anchored, you will want to be on land.



  6. a cement Block and a rope is all you need for a 12 ftr,

    wall mart has a nice supply of Ancors.

  7. The amount of concrete you'd need to hold your boat in the ocean would sink the boat.

    Weight isn't going to do it, you need an anchor that will hold the bottom, like a danforth style anchor.  You'll also need about 6 or 10 feet of heavy chain, and a length of rope about 7 times the depth you're anchoring in.  The chain plus rope together is called the "rode".  The ratio of rode length to depth is called "scope".  Too little scope, and the anchor will be lifted vertically where the flukes can't dig in.

    The chain serves 3 purposes:  it holds the top of the anchor down so the flukes can dig in, protects the rope from chafing on the bottom, and provides a sort of shock absorber effect when waves lift the boat.

    Always anchor from the bow (that's the "front end" of the boat), never from the stern (that would be the "rear end").

    Don't underestimate the importance of a good anchor and the knowledge how to use it.

  8. Kill someone and tie cinderblocks to their feet.

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