
How can I make a car run on water instead of gasoline?

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How can I make a car run on water instead of gasoline?




  1. More details,go to

  2. If you have a spare fuel cell laying around in your backyard. You need to look no further.

    Another way to do this is with the primal method of fire, but you will need to stock up on coal so, your trunk will be full at all times. Then you will need room to accomodate the big boiler that will now power your steam driven car.

  3. Position it at a few hundred foot up and drive the car from a turbine.

  4. Sorry: you can't.  It's an old legend, complicated by a device that appears to work but is actually something of an illusion.  The numerous schemes you've read about all involve placing a bottle of water under the hood and running current from the battery through it.  This will generate a small amount of hydrogen and oxygen gas, which is then allowed to flow through the engine.  But the amount of hydrogen and oxygen is negligible, it makes a rather poor fuel, and even if it did affect the running of the engine the energy you get from burning the gases is less than the energy used to produce them.  

    People like to fool themselves and others, and I'm afraid that there's a lot of foolishness going around about gasoline-free automobiles just now.  

  5. Mix with alcohol in the ratio of 99.9 parts Alcohol to 1 part Water.

  6. You turn it into a walking robot so that it can first run, and then you take it to the sea side ... oh I do love to be beside the ... yes indeed.

  7. What is a hydrogen hybrid vehicle? Basically, this technology involves the use of hydrogen fuel cells (commonly called hydrogen generators) to boost the fuel economy of gasoline and diesel engines. This means that the vehicle runs on gasoline and hydrogen instead of gas alone, just as an electric hybrid uses gas and batteries instead of gas alone.

    The answer is Yes. almost. they still take some gas. but not as much.

    so its better.

    hope the links help, they show you where to buy the converters

  8. Build a small superheated, high pressure steam generator in the car.

    Use the steam to drive a small, powerful steam turbine or Reciprocating engine and connect to the drive shaft of the car.

    Then build a condenser for the steam exhaust which must then be re-heated to superheat and high pressure to be reused by the engine or, the steam can be exhausted to atmosphere. If so, an extremely large tank of pure water must be carried in the vehicle to maintain the steam supply.

    Fuel for the water boiler may be coal, oil, gas or Atomic energy which must also be incorporated into the design... Good Luck with your project.

    (I must let you know that when I was young, (in the early 1940's), steam engine vehicles were in use which used a boiler and a reciprocating steam engine driver, just like the old steam trains but, on a much smaller scale. Your idea therefore is not impossible but, one h**l of a project).

  9. Thats a silly question =P

    I thought EVERYONE knew that!

    Okay than, let me explain. Make sure theres NO gas left in the car. Now, fill the tank up with water. Put the car into neutral than push it up a reallly big hill. Now, give it a slight push so it starts to roll down the hill and quickly jump in! Make sure you put lots of water in the gas tank so it lasts longer (and you can go farther).

    When you run out of power (the car stops moving), than you need to refill the tank with water and go back to the hill and repeat.

  10. you put BIG SKIIS on it, and head down the boat launch ramp as fast as you can.

    it'd be good if it was a convertible, with the top down, so you'd be able to make it out fairly easily.


    which do you BELIEVE?

  11. Wow, that's the most moronic question I've ever read. Why would you be an exception to use water instead of gas.  

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