
How can I make a complaint about a Supervisor at a local BugerKing?

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I went to Burger King on 915 Cape Coral Parkway, Cape Coral, FL and placed an order. When I got to the window I told the cashier that I had forgot to tell her that I wanted half onion rings and half fries, she said to me that she cannot do that and that just a couple of days ago another girl that works there got in trouble for doing that for a customer. So what I did is asked for a supervisor and told the supervisor that I want half onion rings and half fries, she said we can't do that. At that time I had got heated and said why not I thought it was have it your way. She looks at me confused and said no ummm... yea it is but our policy does not allow us to mix fries and onion rings together. I said why is it that all of the other burgerkings that I go to does that for me, only this burger king gives me a hard time. She said they are under a different corporation. She said that they are not allow to cook fries and onion rings together. When I got home I seen an onion ring in my fries




  1. try the 1-800 number?

  2. mail a letter to the vice president of the corporation

  3. With all due respect, you really should worry about other things in life that actually matter to you and society.  Spend your life and energy on worthwhile endeavours and not petty, BS customer relations.  What are you trying to do  besides getting a free meal out this?

    First off, you don't have a right to demand what you want at a place of business.  I cannot go into a BK or any other fast food joint and say, " You know, instead of the full burger pattie on the hamburger, cut one patty in half and get a half piece of their rubber chicken fillets on the burger too.  Do what I say because I'm the customer!"  Sorry, doesn't work like that.

    By the way, instead of seeing this supervisor and worker as trying to p**s you off and keep you from enjoying your edible whims, you should probably see them as doing their jobs correctly.  Did it ever occur to you that those other BK workers were doing the wrong thing in giving you half and half?  Either they didn't know about the rule or they were totally apathetic to it.  That does not justify you getting to have your way in this regard.

  4. Call the Company's Office and place a complaint about the guy! Just say the (name) of the man who was there! Tell them how rude he was and don't forget to mention the name of the Burger-King!

  5. Call Burger King 866-425-4745 and complete telephone survey. On the survey it asks if you have had any problems.

  6. If it was corporate policy, and she was following their directions, you can call and gripe, but not alot really will happen to her... And to set you right, it doesn't matter if all the other Burger Kings do it for you, they might have been under different ownership.  Some are franchise and some are corporate owned..Big difference in policies and prices..something that people who aren't in the fast food business understand...So don't think of it of her just picking on you, she was doing her job..As for the onion ring, could have been accidentally put in there, especially if they share the same fryer bin where they put the fries and rings to drain the grease...

  7. The reason they are not supposed to mix onion rings and fries is b/c of the ingredient list on the side of the container.  The ingredient list has to match the item within the package.  

    stop being so cheap and get a $1 menu of each.

  8. Wow i think i would file a complaint on you.  She was just doing her job and you were freaking out over some onion rings.  If you send that in she won't get in trouble so just forget about it.

  9. and you dont have more important things to worry about?

  10. get over it it is such a small deal

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