
How can I make a dog feel better?

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I have both a rabbit and a dog. I let the rabbit roam around in my room and I have to keep the dog out of my room whenever I open the door so she doesn't eat the rabbit. I'm starting to think that I'm not giving the dog as much love as she deserves, but I'm afraid if I leave the rabbit alone for a long time, something wrong will happen. My dog almost never listens to commands and she's already lived through half her life and it's almost impossible to train her because she's so stubborn. And our rabbit hasn't been trained to listen to commands yet so I'm really afraid of letting the two meet. How can I still let the dog feel loved even though I'm always around the rabbit?




  1. get a rabbit cage put the rabbit in it and put it on the floor bring the dog to let it get use to the bunny

  2. get the rabbit a cage and let them get used to each other through the cage and after they get to know each other hold the rabbit around the dog and see how the dog reacts if the dog tries to eat it you know not to let them to close together like having the rabbit jump while the dogs around hope this helps.

  3. maybe if you take the dog for a good walk or even maybe a run a couple a times a week she will start feeling much better. it will help her feel like she  is getting the attention that she needs. the walks don't even have to be that long just enough for her to run off some tension and energy.Dogs do get bored just like us humans! lol

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