
How can I make a foreign exchange student feel "at home"?

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She is from Japan.




  1. Japanese love something called "hentai".  Download some from the internet and she will enjoy watching it.

  2. Try asking her if there are any dishes that she knows how to make, or if her parents can send her some recipes so that you can make them together. You could go to your local Asian Market together (which will probably have lots of food and candy she is used to/misses) and buy the ingredients, then make the dish together.

    Or you could try going to your local movie rental and find a Japanese film that she likes that you can watch together.

    I've had some experience with Japanese exchange students having trouble adjusting. Living in America( if that’s where you are from, or another country very different from Japan) can be a struggle because of so many cultural changes. Food is a big factor because the American diet is much different from theirs. I knew an exchange student who lived with a family who never ate home cooked meals, and didn't have many vegetables around the house. This was a big shock for him and he had a hard time adjusting to the drastic change in his diet.

    Just try your best to be a friend. Ask her about Japan and talk about the differences from here and there. Go shopping together, eat out, and do your best to spend time at home together. It is important for exchange students to spend time with the family and not isolate themselves.

    I've had 6 exchange students over the past 5 years and I know how hard it can be sometimes to make them feel comfortable. If you have any questions please e mail me.

  3. lol @ hentai (animation p**n)

    involve her in some activities such as watching movie....going out to tour places.....introducing her to new people....maybe even show her some japanese owned businesses in your area

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