
How can I make a garden look its best?

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I've just taken over an extra garden plot and at the moment it's basically, overgrown grass and long hedge, What sort of things can I do to make it look its best? can I add plant pots, flowers etc etc etc? is it a good idea to divide the garden up into sections, such as grass plot, vegetable plot? can you give me any ideas as I'm kinda stuck for them at the moment!





  1. build an orchard, with apple trees, pear trees, orange trees. it will look nice and it will be useful xD

  2. lots of colour all year round. Nasturtiums are great for late summer/autumn. i would advise you to grow potatoes as they open up the soil. A wee herb garden attracts insects as well as useful.  

  3. Tarmac it then you wont have to worry about again

  4. Mine is 23' wide and over 100' long. I have a patio, a lawn, a dog pen, a veg plot and I have planted numerous flowers and shrubs. It looks good now. It took me three years and I am still at it. Do a rough plan and stick to it. Access is important, so work out your foothpaths early.

  5. to start see what needs doing like trimming the hedge then mow it then make some flower beds you need to maintain it every weekk

  6. make it look like the garden of Eden, don't section it, but you have to merge it together, outdoor fountains, plant pots, grape vines, pond with gold fish, and think of colourful flowers so you can get wildlife there too, a bird stand so birds will liven up you garden too, (the place where you put the seeds in and they come and eat it..)

  7. First get rid of the overgrown grass and trim hedge up depending on if you are keeping it and what kind it is. Then you can plant whatever you like. In mine i try to put in things i like and will keep coming up year after year like spring bulbs and perennials. you can do a theme garden if you want they are cool and lots of ideas for them on the net. once you have what you want in your garden put down mulch makes it look pretty and you will water it less cause mulch keeps water and heat in the ground.  here are a few links to some them gardens to help you.

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