
How can I make a good career choice?

by Praise  |  9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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How can I make a good career choice?

 Tags: career, choice



  1. Praise

     There are lots of career options out there, it depends on you to make the right choice and know how to go about it, these few steps are helpful:

    * Examine yourself- you have to learn about yourself, your interests, values and skills.

    * Write down range of occupations- make a list of occupations that you might fit into and after thorough examination (description, educational, earnings, advancement opportunities, job outlook), minimize the list based on what you know.

    * Seek experts of the occupations- gather in depth information from experts through interviews .

    * Write a career plan- by now you should have decided on one occupation you want to pursue, set your goals on the plan so that you will be guided on how to work it out.





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