
How can I make a lesson plan for preeschool children?

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I"m attending a ECE class and I have to plan a lesson for a children, I have no idea how to start. Can somebody help me??




  1. well in my class we started with the alphabet and each week went on to the next letter.  That way each week had a theme and then I searched for all things relating to that letter of the week. Hope it helps!

  2. Picking a theme is a great way to plan a lesson.  For instance, if I used bears as my theme I might start by reading Brown Bear Brown Bear (Literacy) Review the colors of each animal in the story, letting each child name the color of one animal (color recognition).

    Incorporate animal sounds and animal movements (large motor skills).  

    Where do bears live, what do they eat?  Should we have a bear for a pet?

    Sing the action song Teddy Bear Teddy Bear.  Use teddy bear counters for math and sorting  Take your theme ideas and organize them to fit your daily schedule.  Good luck,  and don't worry.  You'll do a great job!

  3. Do you have a format? Your teacher should have given you one. I think you will find, as I have, that lesson plans are one of the most challenging aspects of being a teacher, until you get it down good.

    Begin with choosing your age group and your content area (such as math, language arts, art, etc.) and then search on the internet or in teacher resource books (better get used to using the library :-) and pick a topic (on the farm, circus, the zoo, bugs, whatever). and go from there.

    If you do have a format, that'll tell you how to set up your lesson plan on paper. If not, search for one, you'll find dozens. good luck

  4. There are lots and lots of lesson plans for you to look at on the Internet. Here is a link that I found:

    Use these plans as something to imitate.

    Your ECE teacher should give you a format to follow, but if she didn't, you can use these as a good beginning.

    I would start with a simple theme like "All About Me", or "Pets". Then choose one aspect of that topic and maybe do an art project or learn a finger play to go with it.

    Write to me through my website if you want more help.

    MaryAnn Kohl

    author of over twenty books on art for kids

  5. When I was in school, I had to do a Read Aloud lesson for preschool.  I chose a book about farm animals.  

    Introduction:  Who has been to a farm?  What did you see?

    Lesson:  Hold up farm animal puppets.  Clarify what each animal is, ask student to make that animal sound.

    Pass around animal puppets to students sitting quietly.

    Read story, when we come to a certain animal, that student holds up their puppet.  

    Activity:  Draw an animal you would expect to see on a farm.

    Share the drawings

    Closure: Sing Old McDonald

    My objectives for the lesson related to identifying things in nature (animals) and habitats (farm); displaying active listening skills, etc.

    Just remember that preschoolers have a short attention span and can't sit still or listen very long!  Make sure it has some active participation and movement included.  That age group loves songs, too!

    Good luck!

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