
How can I make a living as a humanitarian?

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I want to spend the rest of my life in the servive of mankind. I am in college now, but I worry that I won't be able to support myself...does anyone know anything about this...what should I do?




  1. What's needed is not just people who want to help -- but, rather EXPERTS. So become a person with an area of expertise that's really needed. Medical training is the most obvious, but becoming a psychologist trained in post-conflict counseling, for instance, is also desperately needed. Water and sanitation engineers, agricultural specialists, co-op specialists, market specialists, and on and on are needed.

    Humanitarian organizations also need accountants, facilities managers, logistics managers and other "administrative" people who can not only work in high-stress, low-infrastructure , semi-conflict situations, but can also transfer their skills to the local people so that they can eventually take them over and do them themselves.

    Go to and click on vacancies. Then look at all of the various jobs working for humanitarian efforts. This will give you an idea of the many different fields that are needed, and what you could concentrate your studies and local volunteering in, so that you gain the necessary experience.

    And, yes, as someone has already said, you need to be able to work in another language. French is an excellent choice, given that it's the official government language and widespread second language in many African countries, as well as in Lebanon. Spanish is excellent for Central and South America. Portuguese is excellent for former Portuguese colonies in Africa and South Asia. Arabic is a great choice for the Middle East. Farsi is great for Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Russia is widely spoken in former Soviet bloc countries. And on and on....

  2. Apply for a job in a non-profit organization.  Get a great education so that you can contribute your talents to an NGO.

    Choose something you absolutely love then pursue it

  3. Learn another language such as Spanish or French.  Look at the job listings with the United Nations, Red Cross, or Doctors Without Borders.  

    Since you are in school studying now, look for internships with organizations that you might be able to spend time with during your school break.

    Good luck.

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