
How can I make a natural home remedy for pains, aches, and tense muscles?

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How can i make a natural home remedy for pains, aches, sore bones, bruises, and tense muscles.

I am hurt with sore bons but not bad enough for a cast. So how can i make a natural home remedy for this??

PLease help




  1. Get some non homeopathic tincture of arnica.

  2. grate  a ginger root into a warmth bath and soak till the water becomes too cold for comfort...

  3. Here is a link with recipes for all types of homemade natural remedies:

    Mullein leaf used topically will help with aches and pains, as will the pure essential oil of lavender.

  4. Switching from ice to heating pad and alternate.

  5. you shoul dtry adding lavendar oil into your bath and really works for making you relax!

  6. go to and see if they suggest anything.  or try hot and cold packs.  But only cold for the first couple of days you get hurt. Because if you put heat on right away that causes the blood vessels to surface and the more blood you have running near the bruise or through the sore tissue will cause the pain to increase. Cold burries the vessels so they don't further inflame the already damaged tissue.

    There are also a great many oils that help soothe and relax or rejuvinate. Lavander, peppermint, citrus oils. And after the ice a warm bath helps to soothe.

  7. Perhaps a warm bath with baking soda.

  8. Make? You already have a regeneration/healing system build into you body that will handle all those problems. It starts with realizing that pain is not a thing it's information. Read the the basics of how to use that information to fix the injuries that are generating those pain signals.

  9. Take some water and put it in some sort of special tray.  Then like keep the tray in the freezer until it turns solid.

    Treats most aches pains, sprains and sore muscles.

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