
How can I make a reservation in minimum fee from Paris to Vienna for Eurail ticket? I have Eurail Pass.?

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Some Eurail trains need a compulsory reservation. Anyone out there who knows how to reserve a seat in cheaper price below 20 $ ?




  1. You will most likely have to do it at the departure point in Paris. If you are in town early stop by the station and make a reservation. Expect to pay a surcharge even though you have a Eurail Pass. Most ICE (Inter City Express) trains require a supplemental charge on top of th Euro Rail pass. Not much at all though. And as far as getting a reservation on the train do not worry. The majority of european trains have ample seating for the routes taken. And worse case senerio is you sit in the luggage area untill someone gets off. They will not deny you access onboard. And last but not least. Have fun!! It's been over 5 years since I Eurorailed and had some of the best times of my life.

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