
How can I make a website with a chat room? for free?

by  |  earlier

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I have just gotten banned from my favorite site and i was wondering if i could make my own site where people can trade friend codes and stuff. (for animal crossing only)

i would like to no how to make a free website and how i can put a chat window on it.

thanks for the help





  1. You can make a free website either by handcoding the HTML or by using a WYSIWYG HTML editor. If you want to use an editor, OpenOffice and Nvu are two freely downloadable editors you can try.

    However, HTML alone won&#039;t let you put a chatroom on your website. For that, I suggest you use an existing system and simply paste the code on your site. The site I use for my chat box is this one here:

    However you may want some more complex service, is pretty simple and limited. If you want to add a forum to your website, here are a couple of sites that do free forum hosting:

  2. U can make ur website from but u can&#039;t create a chat window.

  3. you cant

  4. i have one on my site

    check it out//// is that what you mean?

  5. answer my ? plzzzzz;...

  6. Well you could use with it&#039;s shout box widget or you could download KompoZer a free WYSIWYG &lt;html&gt; editor and then ad a meebo chat room for free. You could then use x10hosting, or hosting plans to host your website  and finally use for a free domain. It&#039;s hard but once you got it it&#039;s really easy.

    Aslo use this forum for help with KompoZer

    Four &lt;html help try---

    1#HTML Code Tutorial



    4#CSS Play   

  7. For free, you can&#039;t.

    No Free Host will allow you to do so (it requires server-side processing and database which are NEVER free).

    You may try some of the solutions offered above, but you will spend a lot of time trying to circumvence the numerous problems you will encounter until you will hit a wall...

    Don&#039;t think, either, you can do it with a WYSIWYG editor: you will need to write your own pieces of code and I believe it to be well above your skills (no offense).

  8. You can create a free website with Microsoft Office Live Small Business - . It has a free design tool that allows you to create web pages without coding. It has 500mb of web space and no ads. To put a chat window on your office live site, you can use Meebo Room - it&#039;s very easy to do.

  9. Chat rooms take up a lot of resources, as they have to check every second to see if someone has typed something - so even if you could pay, many hosts won&#039;t let you run a chat room.

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