
How can I make at least $5,000 over a period of one year?

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Next summer I am planning on attending a pre college program in California and it costs about $5,000. Im trying to find a way to make money so my parents wont be burdened by the price.




  1. $5000.00 in one year is about $90.00 per week. That is very doable.  If you can get a part time job, you should be able to do that pretty easily.  If you can't find a part time job, become self employed.  Decide what work you want to do, set your prices, make an eye catching flyer, and distribute them.  There are many things that you can do:


    Weed gardens

    Mow lawns

    Wash cars

    House sit

    Pet sit

    Be a "mother's helper"

    Clean houses (find out what services charge and charge less, you can do two or three every two weeks and make your $90.00 right there)

    Once you get a few customers and do a great job, the word will get out and you will have as many customers as you can handle.

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