
How can I make better tips being a restaurant server?

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I work at a nice restaurant ... unfortunately they only let you have 3 tables at a time there and have a lot of servers that work for them besides me. I just started working here and really like the environment, and being face to face with people, just havent had much luck making tips this week. Does it take a while for a restaurant to give you the "regular"/higher tipping customers, or more tables? Ive worked in one other restaurant and was able to wait on several tables at a time, it was only one other waitress and myself, it was a breakfast shift but I made a lot of money there. Had intentions of making just as much if not more because of the cost of the menu items, decor, etc. Hrm. Just puzzled! Hope someone can help. Thanks! :)




  1. Keep my cup of coffee full or soda don't call me hon I hate that when someone is younger and they call me honey it makes feel like you think Iam stupid. Looks like you got alot of good tips no pun intended. good Luck and hang in there your still the new kid on block. When they hire another person you will be old pro.

  2. Euphoric/Bliss, You have said that you are going from a new place and to a new shift.Sounds like your first week. I think that it is to early in your new experience to expect results like you had from your last position. Every new job has to be taken with some humbleness. We learn from our past and take that into our future.

    You are a fledgling server with your unique style.   Do not let this change in venue detour you. You are on your next journey to making mega tips.

  3. Just be extra friendly and flash off that lovely smile! Make plenty of fun conversations with your customers, esp. the senior citizens, and offer crayons (if your restaurant has any) and coloring books to little children. I can't think of anything else, but friendliness has always worked for me. Hope I helped! ^^

  4. my sister is a waitress and she laughs and smiles alot with her customers. she even jokes with them, she treats them as friends instead of customers, go the extra mile to make sure the restuarant and food is above expectations. even if they are jerks to u treat them as if they were a celebrity. she always gets good tips from doing that even if she has a limited amount of tables

  5. Be friendly, clean, groomed, smile and don't bug me to often but make sure you check back at least twice to see if I need anything. Don't flirt! It's obvious and annoying.

  6. I have found if you are serving a couple and you are female look at the man only once. Direct the order toward the woman. Compliment her and the man will usually give you a bigger tip. If you pay too much attention to the man the whole meal will turn into "your flirting with the waitress" and he can't tip you.

  7. I hope this helps.  Check out the Professional Server Online at  This site provides free advise on how to make more money as a server.   Good Luck.

  8. There was an excellent "This American Life" where they did an experiment and servers actually got lower tips when they went out of their way to be friendly. Anyway, my advice is to be quick and efficient and don't hover around the table too much - just try to observe when glasses are empty or customers seem to need something. With only 3 tables at a time, you should be able to keep a close eye on each one.  Don't get disheartened, some people just aren't big tippers. (And I guess people are worried about the economy.) Good luck!

  9. Something little that i do is I carry stickers in my server book and give them to the kids i wait on. The kids love getting something and the parents love that you made the kids happy :)

  10. Define "NICE RESTAURANT." If it is a chain, or corporately owned entity, you haven't a prayer. These restaurants stock so many servers to provide mediocre service that no one can make any money.

    Try to find an independent restaurant that will train you, in fine dining. If you can make an impact on an independent, you can walk away with $100 - $200 per shift! (Lunches are less 30 - 80 dollars per shift, but in the long run you do well.)

    Corporate "restaurants" prey on servers and do not allow them to have enough tables to earn a lot of money. It is a shame. "Corporate operations, are just that, corporations that are determined to make money." They do not care, or have any loyalty to, the associates that work so hard for their benefit.

    Think about your experience in a place the the Cheesecake Factory. Tons of servers, over 300 part time employees, that struggle for tables to get some tips.

    The food is average, the items often sold out, and the servers are left to deal with the dissatisfied guest. It all reflects in the tips of the servers. After the server tips out all of the "supportive" staff, there is not much left.

    It amazes me that so many people want to work for such chains. Try to up your game and learn the art of fine dining. You'll make so much more, in so many ways, and will have self respect to go with it!

    Find the independents!

  11. this is an age-old question that every server has when they start a new place. I've asked it countless times my self. the one thing that i keep in mind every time i start a new place is your still waiting tables. stick to the guns in your arsenal. do what you do and adapt it to the style of the new place. watch the people who have been there for a while and try to use their style, mix it with your style and viola...your now the bad@$$. on the three table note, with that few of tables you really have a chance to get to know your guests. baby them with out being to on top of them. most of all have fun, guests can tell if a server is just there for the money or not, make them believe you love your job even if you don't. all in all if you stay on top of what your doing the money will come. happy waiting!!!!!

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